Upcoming Events
Come and join our fun and educational online classes, learn to innovate, and conduct scientific research. The skills you learn at SmartQuad will serve you in your future science career, and who knows, maybe your inventions will change the course of history one day.
AI Lab
The students involved in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) lab project will be asked to generate ideas and create products that are connected to Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. Later the best ideas will be discussed in class during the brainstorming session.
Pre-med Research Projects
During these classes, students will discuss problems concerning the heath of the world population. Our students will be talking about the health problems caused by air pollution, the current and previous pandemics, antimicrobial resistance, Ebola and other contagious diseases, vaccine hesitancy, HIV, and others.
Innovation Shark Tank Center
SmartQuad students who are interested in the Shark Tank project will develop their entrepreneurial skills by submitting business proposals (either a new idea for a product or a service or a solution to an existing problem). These business proposals will then be discussed during our online classes.
Finance and Business Management projects
This project ensures that students understand various aspects of the financial and business management world. Our mentors will discuss with SmartQuad students topics like creating a detailed business plan, how to manage one’s finances, fundamentals of digital marketing, and much more. These lessons will help children to learn how to earn and manage money, the skills any human being needs to have regardless of their profession.